I must be nostalgic this time of year.. Probably all of us are. "Us" meaning adult people, who's childhood is gone.
What I miss the most this time of year is my childhood's street. The street still exists. My parents are still living there so we are visiting it often. But it's not the same. And not only because I'm grown up now. But because the times are so different.
Back then, on this time of year, there were only few cars on the street and lots of children sliding and skating; now there are lots of cars and only few children or... no child at all.
The street is a ramp of an acceptable angle. A street perfect to slide on. And we were sliding daily, for hours. There were probably 50-60 children playing on that street, in snow, every evening. The street was sound of our happy voices. And we were sliding over and over again on the same path, without getting bored, interrupted only by cold or hunger.
Nowadays it would be impossible to slide on that street, because of cars and because of lack of snow (usually they are cleaning the streets now). But the sidewalk is still there, perfect for sliding. Even so, the street is empty, still and quiet. I think children forgot the pure joy of simple playing. They need gadgets, DVDs, computer games, TV shows not to get too bored. Their imagination in playing seem to be absent.
We would love for our children a childhood as we had. That's why we try hard to revive the old times. But it's always hard to swim against the stream...
The 1st step is fulfilled:
We bought a sledge (although we have been already addressed ironically the reply: "A sledge? But what for?")
We know that before every reached stage there must be a dream.
And our personal dream looks like this:
(we love to imagine that this family is heading toward their beautiful house and not toward a certain flat)
And our reality looks like this:
(note: for the moment we are just visiting country side, not living there)
We are pretty close to our dream, isn't it?
We have the most important pieces: the child, us, the sledge and... a similar jacket for Adrian.
There are still missing some little details for the dream's puzzle to be complete: the dog (it must be a Golden Retriever) and... country living.
But dreaming is something we are really good at! ;-)
P.S.: thanks to all of you who participated to my 1st poll! Adrian's theory was successfully deprecated. Don't worry. He's not depressed. He still believes in it :-)
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I know you have a lot of expectations about this dream, I don't want to look pessimistic, but I'm afraid this dream will never come true.
I don't wear jeans. I don't like them.
It sounds like a wonderful dream. Don't give up on it.
Chiar că... ce vremuri faine... Eram nişte sloiuri ambulante, dar tot ne mai dădeam pe Plopilor în jos încă o tură cu sania... până se înnopta şi eram chemaţi acasă... Iar luptele de gherilă purtate cu cei care veneau să arunce nisip pe drum erau destul de serioase, doar ne era pusă în pericol pârtia :D
Vine cineva la o tură cu sania sau cu schiurile prin "Tăietură"? :))
Pupici friguroşi de la Oradea ;)
He he! Remember that near your apartment building there were some underground heating pipes which were heating the street and the snow was melting in that area? That was the stop line, if you did not have enough speed!
Yes, I remember perfectly those pipes. I loved skating more than sliding, so that was the place were my knees suffered a lot... :-)
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