Friday, March 21, 2014

One thousand gifts (part nine)

118. little kindness act: Adrian stopped the car, helped an old man climb off the icy hill and then went further on to his own business

119. Maria's happiness when I come back home after few hours shopping. She laughs and dances and rises her hands and she is simply delicious.

120. Ilaria laughing out of the blue. When I ask her the reason, she answers back: "Because I like you".

121. girls waiting for Daddy to be back from the office:

122. singing Christmas carols, all four of us, almost every Advent evening of 2013

123. the smell of Christmas tree

124. an evening talk that melted my heart:

Me: Ilaria, chiar nu ai dormit deloc azi la grădi?
Ilaria: nu, deloc
Me: şi ce ai facut între timp?
Ilaria: m-am uitat pe pereţi
Me: dar ai avut mult de stat aşa, tu Mami!
Ilaria: da, ştiu
Me: şi la ce te-ai gândit în tot timpul ăsta?
Ilaria: la tine

125. kind and real-looking Santa Claus that make our children believe

126. an evening to remember - singing Christmas carols and playing a new game with old and new friends:

( dear Moni, we are looking forward for your future visits ;-) )

127. Christmas morning

"One of the most glorious messes in the world is the mess created in the living room on Christmas Day. Don't clean it up too quickly." (Andy Rooney)

128. smiling and acting like a real Snow Queen, even after 24 hours of stomach flu:

129. Maria - the sweetest girl ever!
Într-o dimineaţă de duminică fetele încep să se certe. Ilaria îşi înfige mâna în părul Mariei si traaage :-(
Eu: Cum ar fi, Ilaria, să-mi bag şi eu acum mâna în părul tău şi să te trag? Crezi că ţi-ar plăcea treaba asta? (le explic mereu că "ce ţie nu-ţi place altuia nu-i face")
Maria: Mami, nu o tage pe Iaia de păl că o doale

130. girls in matching clothes. I adore this. (thank you, Michelle & Ana!)

131. dear friends that make us feel like we are part of their family. Thank you, fam. Bîrsan, for another lovely evening! (25th Dec. 2013)

132. flower bouquet for me, from our 4 year-old

"When a child gives you a gift, even if it is a rock they just picked up, exude gratitude. It might be the only thing they have to give, and they have chosen to give it to you." Dean Jackson

133. little feet that chase me through the house to offer, with little hands, the tastiest hazelnuts in the world

134. this smiling little man

135. Ilaria's lovely hair

136. holding my kids. (I never dreamed I would ever become this rich!)
"My home is filled with toys and has fingerprints on everything, and is never quiet. My hair is usually a mess and I'm always tired, but there is always love and laughter here. In twenty years my children won't remember the house or my hair but they will remember the time we spent together and the love they felt."

137. How Ilaria prepared for Iancu's arrival
Ilaria: "Uite Iencuţ, uite ce ţi-am pregătit!... Of, nu ştiu ce-i cu bebele ăsta că nu se uită deloc"

138. friends visiting us. Cake included.

139. perfect October day. Girls' party 2013 (13th October)

140. surprise mail from over the ocean. Thank you, Sue! You are crazily sweet! (more pictures to come)

141. fun in autumn leaves

142. real life

143. joy of hand making a gift for a newborn (baby teething necklace)

144. gorgeous autumn at our home-to-be(-hopefully)

This post has been linked to Ann Voskamp's gratitude community:
Have a blessed week!

P.S.: My previous "One thousand gifts" post can be found here.

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Mariuta said...

suuuuuuuuuuuuuuper fain, Raluca, esti cu multa initiativa !Felicitari pt. tot !

Raluca said...

Multu mult, Maria! Am cui semana!

Mariuta said...

pfff............asa da ! Cu ,,translator,, este suuuper fain !!!

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