Yesterday Ilaria came from kindergarten with this:
and told me she loved me to England and back, every 5 minutes or so. So she completely melt my heart!
Happy Mother's Day!
I look at this boy and can't get enough of him.
I look at him and I have the feeling I know him for ages.
Can't believe he's not a newborn anymore and he's outgrown a lot of clothes already!
We spend a lot of time inside these days. It's cold, it's raining and I have a million little things to put together here. So I have to come with new ideas for Maria, otherwise she'd devour me!
I get some good minutes of fun for her with this trick:
I use puzzles beyond her age. I take away 4-5 pieces and then I let her complete the puzzle back. She's over the top happy with the accomplishment! And she's good!
This time recovery after surgery was so painful and I was so tired sometimes, that I had moments when I thought: "How would an atheist pass such a day?"
Thanks God for the healthy baby, for the help I got from Adrian and my mother, so all the bad and all the hard was left behind.
I am strongly addicted on babies. No news here.
"For women, smelling a newborn baby feels as good as drugs are to addicts or cheeseburgers to those just breaking a fast." (source)
"Opriti timpul, clipa asta minunata
In suflet vreau s-o pastrez
Sa iubesc si sa visez."
Last Sunday we had Iancu's baptism.
Oh, if I could only keep in my heart the joy or even a tiny part of joy I lived that day... I would be forever happy, no matter what. I'm sure on that day God was smiling over us!
It was a perfect day!
❤, Ralu
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La multi ani,Raluca !Cei trei puiuti,sa-ti aduca mereu zambetul. Tot ei sa-ti stearga lacrimile,atunci cand vor fi....ca asa-i viata, cu buune si rele !
Multumesc mult de gandurile bune, Maria! Si multumesc mult de fiecare comentariu pe care mi-l lasi aici! Chiar daca nu raspund la fiecare dintre ele, totusi fiecare dintre ele ma bucura enorm!
fiecare mama, are scris pe ,,rabojul sufletului,, ....bune si rele !Copii sunt si, raman minunea vietii,pentru care nu este egal ! XOXOXO...
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