printed ones
Her favorite authors of the moment are Baby Butt and Baby Walz, who wrote some wonderful babies supplies catalogs, read by her daily. They are both pretty tired of saying the same stories for her, daily, but some pages still stay together, even if they are less and less.
( the expression "favorite authors" belong to Adrian, which used to make fun on me by saying that I had a stage in my life when my favorite bestsellers books were Quelle and Otto catalogs ;-) )
baby dolls
We started having problems in park when she sets her eyes on some baby doll owned by another child. She immediately goes there and puts her hands on the baby doll and she wouldn't let it go without some tears on her cheeks. So I've already decided the gift for her birthday to be a baby doll. I hope we will resist two more months without it.
unborn babies
Ilaria already adores her unborn sister
She kisses
and hugs
and kisses and hugs some more my belly, often. She will be a loving big sister for our baby, that's for sure. But she seems to have a problem with the name Rebeca (my no.1 for the moment). When I ask her: "where is our baby?" she points toward my belly, her face all smiles. Then I tell her: "here is baby Rebeca". Immediately the riposte comes from Ilaria: "No!". "Then baby Maria, maybe?" (name Maria in Adrian's no.1 now). And then Ilaria says: "Yes!". Does she know or fell something more than I do?? :-)
and finally,
born babies
She had a crash on baby Petru recently. (She calls him "Pete")
with whom we spent a little bit too much time
got attached to him
so, at the end of the visit she wouldn't let him go home anymore. In the end, she was right, wasn't she? If Petru wasn't our, then why in the world did he come our way and why did he enter our home? :-)
Sweet kisses and lots of baby love from us!
Ralu & Co.
P.S.: I have a feeling she will have a crash also on baby Teodor, soon. She met him today for the 1st time and with him will be a little bit harder, as she has a competitor already! And the competitor is a really determined one!!
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Foarte dragut! :-) Pozele sunt super! Iar Ilaria are sanse considerabile sa devina "sora mai mare perfecta"! ;-) Pupici!!
My worry is, Ilaria is so attached to baby boys. The delivery from October might not meet her expectations, but let's see.
You work hard on your family relationships, and the results are so beautiful! Felicitations!
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