Friday, October 14, 2011

Ilaria is 2

10.10.2011. Another blessed day full of joy and emotions.

In the morning, unwrapping gifts:
a new pair of earrings ("baby earrings" are prepared for baby Maria)

and a baby doll, who crossed the Atlantic to reach Ilaria (thanks Michelle for help!!)

So we made it until Ilaria's birthday without a baby doll. And it worth the waiting (if you ask me):

Celebration in the evening, together with grandparents:
more gifts unwrapping

a lot of emotions when we sang "Happy birthday" to her

The cake decided not everything could be perfect on that day

so the candies melted
Anyway, Ilaria was far too excited to notice such minor detail...

Happy birthday, our sweet Ilaria! May your entire life be as happy as your first two years!
We love you to the moon and back!
Mami, Tati & baby Maria

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Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Happy birthday, dear blog of mine!

Today, 05th of October 2011, my blog celebrates its 1st birthday! 
(you can read here how I started blogging)
So far, writing on this blog was a great experience and anybody whom ever crossed his / her mind to start blogging, I fully recommend: just do it!

I want to mention here some things I have learned since blogging:

* there are people who read my posts and who care, even if they prefer to remain silent (they don't "like" my links on Facebook, nor are they commenting on blog).
I got much more face-to-face feed-back on my posts than I got comments directly on the blog. And I have to face that I experience wonderful satisfaction when I hear people saying: "I tried that recipe of your today and it was delicious indeed" or "you are so right in that post; it happened to me the same too" or "it's such a nice feeling reading your blog"

* I have learned not to dream big success via blogging (anymore).
Of course, when I begun to write here I hoped for billions of hits per day. But, in time, I have learned that such success comes from some exceptional cases which, fortunately or unfortunately (depends on the case), are not my cases:
        - blogger is a brilliant writer
        - substantial giveaways are held often on the blog
        - blogger lives / lived a big drama
        - blogger is very experienced in something

* memories kept here are precious.
I hope so they will be for my family too; I hope the other members will / are appreciate / appreciating what I write here. In the end, they are the no.1 target of this blog. Regarding myself, I only have to read some old posts in order to bring all those emotions here again and... tears into my eyes!

Many thanks to all of you, who are reading and commenting here: Michelle Jo., Adi Sp., Maria Mi., Fred Jo., Faye Vi., Faye Jo., Sue Ri., Joni Ze., Dana & Bogdan Bî., Manu Du., Raluca Bu., Dan Op., Ramona La., Ramona Sp., Dorela Ar., Anamaria Mu., Ramon Gr., Codruţa Te., Elena Mi., Paula Vl., Maria & Andreea Je., Monica Ho., Moni Hă., Anca Ma., Florina He., Raluca Po., Cristina Tr., Petra Cr., Aniela Tâ., Rozy & Eugen Mi., Luminiţa Mu., Cristina & Florin Lu., Carmen Ci.
and to all the others who are reading, but I'm not aware of.
And sorry if I forgot to mention anybody who ever gave me feed-back!

Many thanks, Carmen Ho. & Mirela Iu. for the nice surprise you did today to us and... for reminding me it's my blog's birthday ;-)


Blogging with , Ralu

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Monday, October 3, 2011

Baby teething necklaces

At the beginning of the year I set a list of things I would love to do. Among them was also the making of hand stamped metal jewelry. Living in a small apartment, with a little child (soon with two), I reconsidered my wish and opted for a stiller activity. Here is the first baby teething necklace I have created; it has been offered as a baby-baptizing gift:

I consider it to be a great success, as mother of the baby didn't give too much credit to the label and she was sure I bought it from somewhere and I just added some nice words beside it!

And the second one goes to.... "Manana" - that's how Ilaria calls her soon-to-be-born sister, Maria ;-)

I love how they turned out and I hope lots more will follow. For the future I plan to open a shop on Please tell me: have you ever heard about etsy until now? It offers great opportunities for selling / buying crafted goods.

As it's known, the materials (stones, amber, wood, pearls,...) have specific benefic effects on the person wearing them. Here are few words I've found on Internet regarding wearing amber necklaces by babies:
When a baby is wearing amber teething necklace on the skin, the skin's warmth releases healing oils from the amber (a resin) which are absorbed via the skin into the bloodstream. Amber is not a stone and therefore warm to the touch, as well as very comfortable and light to wear. Children wearing amber is a very old traditional custom in Europe and the Far East. Amber is known to reduce inflammation of the throat, ear and stomach and to fight inflammation, infections and respiratory disease. Traditional beaded amber necklaces are a less intrusive remedy for the pain and side effects of teething, such as lack of appetite, upset tummies, ear ache, fevers and colds. A natural analgesic, amber will help calm a baby without resorting to drugs. Amber's anti-inflammatory and therapeutic properties are also recognized by allopathic medicine. These necklaces are long known for the healing properties of amber which include calmative, analgesic, antispasmodic, expectorant, and febrifuge (anti-fever) functions.

I hope I will be able to welcome you on my etsy shop soon!

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