Sunday, October 16, 2016

If only life would let me

This is a typical scene from our living room.
It's 1AM and I'm the only one still awake in the house.
And it hits me again. That feeling of gratitude. That feeling of fulfillment. This is my happiness, amidst the mess. And I don't see the mess anymore, but all the gifts behind it.
I have a family of six healthy people, a loving husband, both parents alive, generous sister and niece, one grandmother aged 90, a helpful mother in law, friends, country home, car, a mulberry tree in the orchard.

I hope we won't settle, as I want some more: some furniture, a neat house, a seven-seater, revisit Tirol and Toscana, a walnut in the orchard, some roses and a lilac in the garden.

Sometimes I am exhausted (Adrian out of town, all kids with stomach flu) and sometimes I am frustrated (day after day goes by and I'm not able to bake the apple pie I'm dreaming of) and sometimes I'm crazily angry (I get unreasonable demands instead of appreciation), but they are little things compared to the multitude of dramas that happen around us.

Usually I am happy and I would live like this forever, if only life would let me!
God, give me strength to deal with my blessings!

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Saturday, February 6, 2016

Book: The Boy in the Striped Pajamas/Băiatul cu pijamale în dungi (John Boyne) - 10

The 1st book here which gets the maximum rating of 10 from me.

It's a book recommended for kids over 12 yo.

I am impressed by the smooth style used to write a book on Holocaust - no ugly words and no violence. And I'm pretty sure there will be many kids over 12 yo who, even after reading this book, still won't have a clue what Holocaust is and what this book is all about, if they don't have already knowledge on the subject and if no grown up would answer their possible questions while reading this book. It's so gently.

De pe copertă:
"Aceasta este povestea unui baiețel german pe nume Bruno, al cărui tată a primit o slujbă foarte importantă, ceea ce înseamnă că toată familia trebuie să se mute departe de oraș, într-un loc ciudat, unde casa lor e singura locuință adevarată și unde în spatele unor garduri nesfârșite se află sute, poate mii de oameni îmbrăcați în pijamale în dungi. 
Bruno se străduiește să înțeleagă ce se întâmplă în jurul său. Cititorul bănuiește despre ce e vorba, dar bietul Bruno, nu. Pornește așadar să exploreze împrejurimile și zărește un punct, care devine o pată și o pată care devine un băiat…"




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Friday, February 5, 2016

1st day of school. When I grow up...

        Ilaria - grupa mare  Maria - grupa mică

                     Ilaria - clasa 0  Maria - grupa mijlocie

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Wednesday, January 13, 2016

A family tradition (update 1)

I'm not sure have I ever mentioned in any post about one of my favorite days over the year or not.
This is the 3rd year when, one warm summer day, when everyone of us was just fine, after a 2 km march through the forest, we aligned the kids under "our" oak tree, a big and old one - about 800 years old - and I captured the moment. 
It's not as easy as it sounds, as kids AND my assistants are anxious and they think every time that "this will last forever" until I finally take the about 50 pictures, including the "perfect" one.
I fear I'm the only one enjoying these days, but I plan to keep the tradition, no matter how hard it will be. I'm sure the kids will thank me in the future.

15th of July 2012

 07th of September 2013

16th of August 2014

18th of October 2015
This was a short trip Mărcuș - Sighișoara of just 1 day and because we reached the scene around noon, when the kids were already tired, we broke the tradition of walking through the wood and, this time, we reached our oak tree by car. Anyway, we spent wonderful moments there, as we do every time!
 my family

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