Take time to select the cutters:
It took us about 45 minutes and the girls were changing there minds every 5 minutes. In the end I had to set a limit of 10 shapes, otherwise today we would still be selecting and I would have to bake a tone of cookies, based on Ilaria's love for every single shape!
Prepare your helpers. ( hopefully you have some serious ones, like mine ;-) )
Needed ingredients:
Mix all ingredients.
Roll out the dough 5-6mm thick. Cut it.
As these cookies are rather thick, bake them for about 4 minutes or until they are golden at bottom. Turn them upside down.
Bake them for another 3 minutes or until they are golden on both sides.
Enjoy the result!
Poftă bună!
Ralu & Co.
(cookies' source)
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