Many people, when seeing Ilaria's room exclaim: "she has so little toys!". That's because I am the one controlling toys acquisition. And I am a follower of "less is more". I'm the kind of parent who buys toys only on specific occasion (St. Nicholas, Christmas, Easter, birthday and that's pretty all). On the other hand, we didn't involve Ilaria in any paid activity yet! Strange for nowadays, isn't it?
I bought a great book dealing with "less is more": Simplicity Parenting: Using the Extraordinary Power of Less to Raise Calmer, Happier, and More Secure Kids. I didn't read it yet, but I'm pretty sure everything written there is already inside me (a friend of mine is shocked every time when she informs me about great deals and I tell her "but I don't need that. I already have something similar!" Hello, Lumi! :-) ). And I still hope one day Adrian will read it ;-)
Look what can happen if a child doesn't have "enough" toys: she becomes extremely creative:
Ilaria trying to solve her self-made puzzle
It took me 1 year! to purchase that wallpaper border; so you can imagine how much I love it.
I have to go now. As you can see, she needs some help ;-)
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acesta e doar inceputul:) sa nu cumva sa lasi creioane la indemana ca ajungi ca admiri floricelele de pe pereti.
Noroc ca anul viitor ii vom re-zugravi Ioanei camera.
...cum am mai zis...o Raluca, in urma cu 31 de ani ! Asa, (si nu numai) sunt asigurate zambetele de peste ani !!Cu nici un moment care ne mai intalnim ! Viata, nu este repetare , la nimic ! Deci....,,scrieti,, in suflet aveti de ce va aminti,atunci cand...raman amintirile !
For me the message is that she doesn't like the occupation of the teddy bears she took apart. I'm just a bit concerned she dislike the actress and the football player.
I totally agree with "Less is more"concept, especially when it comes to toys.
I read somewhere that toys excess is just as harmful as food excess.And it seems pretty reasonable.
At a certain moment, when Teodora was around 2 years and half, we had a conflict, which ended like this: we decided to take ALL the toys from her room, for some days.
We discussed about it, she agreed that the toys will leave for 3 or 4 days. In the meantime, I was surprised to see how creative she became, using things that I thought she barely had remarked in her room.Like books, pillows, additional fruits and veggies from the kitchen, etc...
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