Look at these paintings and imagine what childhood those children had:
no noisy, pollutant and dangerous cars in their neighborhood

"Cherry delight"?
no noisy battery toys

"Dolls supper"
no computer games

"Playing school"
no TV

"The weatherman"
no plastic

"Repairing the little cart"
just simple
"A new friend"

"The little postman"
"The young artist"
natural life

"Flowers for grandmother"
It's obvious that Adler had painted real children from his village, as some children can be observed in many paintings. My all time favorite Adler's subject is the little boy, the youngest and the most curious one. He's adorable:

( I call him "Nătrăcală". :-) )
Simply lovely paintings, aren't they?
P.S.: @Bogdan B.: thanks for reminding me that this blog and me we still have some fans out there!
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